WWE Firings Get Out Of Hand

In keeping with their recent policy of efficient mass firings, WWE seems to have fired someone that didn’t actually work for them.

“I was sitting at my desk when I found out I was just released by WWE.” recounts James Wilson, who works at the Jefferson County BMV in Madison, Indiana. “I don’t work at WWE, which led to my confusion. I made a couple phone calls, but I could only reach a man with a raspy voice who kept shouting ‘budget cuts’ over and over at me before hanging up.”

Wilson recieved shout outs from numerous wrestling personalities, including Kalisto, who remarked “Jammes is with me in my prayers” before WWE realized their mistake. In a written statement, a company spokesman apologized for the mixup, blaming a clerical error, and promised it wouldn’t happen again. During the statement, they also fired R Truth.

NITRO Underground

With the recent “innovation” of RAW Underground, which is like regular RAW but somehow (fake) grittier, there have been no shortage of comparisons between this “new” concept and the dreaded Brawl For All. But when I saw RAW Underground, I didn’t see Brawl For All, I saw something more obscure…and worse. That’s right, I’m talking about WCW’s short live concept, The Block.

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Wrestling With Idiots

Despite the fact that pro wrestling is in no way as popular as it once was, you can’t throw a digital rock without hitting a wrestling related article or video online. Whether it’s What Culture and their snazzy Britishness, Cultaholic with more of the same, WrestleTalk with…well, you get the idea, Jim Cornette’s love child on Wrestling With Wregret, or even the encyclopedic knowledge of Dave Knows Wrestling, YouTube is a varied landscape of wrestling content. Not content with only doing video, many of the same channels also have websites that cover the same material. Hell, this is the Exploder blog, a companion piece to the Exploder podcast. We’re part of something, yay! All of this content comes from fans explaining to others the intricacies and colorful history of pro wrestling.

And then there’s these assholes.

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