Alternate History: WCW Nitro

One thing all wresting fans like to do is play armchair booker. And because this is Exploder, we take things one step forward and just go ahead create an alternate history. So for this post, let’s take a look at an episode of WCW Monday Nitro if WCW was never sold to Vince McMahon.

May 6, 2001

  • The show begins with a video package that highlights two angles poorly and ignores everything else going on in the company
  • WCW uses more pyro than a mid sized city on the 4th of July

    wcw nitro pyro

    And will somehow cost $400,000

  • Scott Norton vs. Super Calo ended in a no contest after the referee realized the futility of life and simply walked out.
  • Vince Russo comes out and shouts something about Goldberg, gets attacked by Terry Funk, then ends up doing a dance off with Ernest Miller for control of WCW. Miller wins but Russo remains the boss because “I’m writing the show, bro”

    car wreck

    Pic related

  • The Gambler faces Joey Maggs to a 10 minute draw in front of a crowd who can’t believe they paid to see this.
  • The Natural Born Thrillers have a 7 on 1 handicap match against Tank Abbot with zero build. They are summarily beaten after Abbot hits Palumbo over the head with the limp body of Mike Sanders.

    mike sanders wcw

    Above Average Weapon

  • Rey Mysterio continues to look like a 12 year old.
  • Lance Storm, who is just doing random Canadian things at this point, stands in the ring serenading a picture of Robert Goulet. This is the highest rated segment of the night.

    robert goulet

    Oh yes

  • Haku, despite working for the WWF at the time, shows up on WCW Nitro and headbutts 4 referees, 2 fans, and Mark Madden. No one in either company dares to say anything to him about it.

    meng wcw

    Would you?

  • “That’s So” Mike Awesome, a surfer bro from “the Shore” faces off against Brad Armstrong in the semi-main. The match goes 14 minutes and should have gone 4.
  • In the main event, Booker T loses by DQ in a no-DQ Loser Leaves WCW match. This happens after the nWo, who have not been a group in over a year, somehow manages to interfere and attack Scott Steiner. Fans are confused and also worried that this means Booker T will actually leave WCW, but then they remember that stipulations don’t matter and this will all be undone by next week.

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